Because it is the kingdom of Water, the habitat of large marine mammals.
Because large areas of the territory are preserved without intervention.
Because it is the beginning and the end of the continental territory of South America.
Because it is possible to read the landscape built by the action of glaciers.
Because it is possible to know the diverse cultural landscapes generated by the action of man.
Because the island territory of Tierra del Fuego preserves great tangible and intangible wealth.
Because great travelers, explorers, scientists; Hernando de Magallanes, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa,
Francis Drake, Charles Darwin, Sir Ernst Shacketon, Robert Scott, Otto Nordenjolk, Pilot Luis Pardo,
Chapman AN, Bird Junius, Bianco Franco, Pluschow G,
Great and illustrious writers Gabriela Mistral, Francisco Coloane, Luis Sepúlveda, Günter Pluschow, Antoine de Saint Exúpery have been moved by this outermost, continental and insular landscape.
For the Torres del Paine, Bernardo O'Higgins, Alberto de Agostini, Pali Aike, Private Parks: Karukinka, Yendegaia, Pinguino Rey Monuments
Cueva del Milodon, Laguna de los Cisnes, Natural los Pinguinos, and National Reserves Omora Park, Magallanes National Reserve, Parrillar National Reserve, Bahía Lomas Wetlands (RAMSAR site), Punta Arenas, Marazzi River, of great extension, variety and richness of wild flora and fauna, as well as unique geological expressions.
Finally we have the conviction that you can also rewrite your own history after visiting the tourist attractions of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, we will gladly answer all your concerns and queries to optimize your visit, from now on Welcome!